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Contraception and family planning methods play a pivotal role in fostering individual autonomy, enabling individuals to maintain optimal sexual and reproductive health. These methods not only facilitate conscious control over reproduction but also exert a significant influence on emotional, economic, and social well-being.

Contraception extends beyond the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. It empowers individuals to thoughtfully plan their families, make well-informed decisions about parenthood, and contribute to the overall well-being of their families. Additionally, contraception is a cornerstone of comprehensive reproductive healthcare, facilitating the pursuit of healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Currently, a diverse array of contraceptive methods are available, each tailored to meet individual needs and preferences. The following are descriptions of some of the most common and popular methods:

Barrier Methods:

  • Male and Female Condoms: These methods create a physical barrier to impede sperm from reaching the egg, providing ease of use and aiding in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Hormonal Methods:

  • Birth Control Pills: A combination of hormones prevents ovulation and thickens cervical mucus, creating a challenging environment for sperm to pass through and fertilize the egg.
  • Patches and Rings: These methods deliver hormones similarly to pills but with different application methods.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs):

  • Hormonal and Copper IUDs: Inserted into the uterus, these devices prevent pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs release progestin permanently, while copper IUDs, a non-hormonal method, impede sperm mobility by obstructing their passage.

Emergency Methods:

  • Emergency Contraception: Also known as the “morning-after pill,” proves effective in preventing pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or when another contraceptive method fails.


  • Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy: Generally considered when an individual no longer wishes to have children, these permanent methods have reversal surgeries available, although success is not guaranteed in all cases.

It is crucial to acknowledge that contraception plays a fundamental role in empowering women by granting them control over their fertility, enabling them to shape their futures. Access to contraceptive methods allows women to advance in their careers, pursue educational goals, actively participate in family decision-making, and define their destinies. Equitable access to contraception is essential for ensuring equal opportunities.

However, despite the evident benefits of contraception, challenges and misconceptions persist. These may include a lack of access to reproductive health services, cultural stigmas, and misinformation. Overcoming such obstacles requires a collaborative effort from society, governments, and healthcare organizations to ensure that all individuals have access to accurate information and quality services.

To overcome these challenges, reinforcing the promotion of sexual education and universal access to contraceptive methods are crucial and defining steps toward a future where all individuals have the power to decide about their lives and reproduction

Esta publicación ha sido cofinanciada por la Unión Europea. Su contenido es responsabilidad exclusiva de Amref Salud África y no refleja necesariamente los puntos de vista de la Unión Europea

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