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Currently, sexual education for children and youth extends beyond the mere provision of biological information; its approach is broader, encompassing multiple dimensions of human beings and proving essential for comprehensive individual development. This decalogue highlights ten key aspects that especially adults should consider when proposing, promoting, or encouraging sexual education processes, even within their own households.

  1. Right to Information: Sexual education is a fundamental right that enables children and youth to access accurate and age-appropriate information about fundamental aspects of their sexuality. By providing adequate knowledge, it contributes to their decision-making processes, empowering them to be informed and promote healthy habits concerning their own bodies and development.
  2. Health Promotion: Sexual education serves as a foundation for health promotion, offering essential information on preventing sexually transmitted infections, the use of contraceptives, and the importance of comprehensive health care, thus contributing to a healthier adulthood.
  3. Self-Knowledge: It facilitates self-discovery by providing children and youth with tools to understand and accept their own bodies, strengthening self-esteem, promoting respect for themselves and others, and building a solid foundation for emotional development.
  4. Respect for Diversity: Sexual education cultivates respect for gender diversity, sexual orientation, and individual expressions of sexuality. By fostering tolerance and understanding, it contributes to the creation of more inclusive and just societies.
  5. Prevention of Abuse: It equips children and youth with tools to identify and prevent situations of sexual abuse in any context. By promoting awareness and open communication, it empowers young people to set boundaries and seek help when necessary.
  6. Development of Social Skills: Sexual education goes beyond biology; it also includes the development of social and emotional skills. It promotes effective communication, soft skills development, mutual respect, and empathy, all essential for establishing healthy interpersonal relationships.
  7. Family Planning: It provides knowledge about family planning and the importance of conscious decisions regarding parenthood. It facilitates understanding of associated responsibilities and promotes informed decision-making.
  8. Promotion of Responsibility: Sexual education promotes a responsible and ethical attitude in sexual relationships. Emphasizing the understanding of consent, it also addresses the ability to respect the desires of others and open communication as fundamental pillars of a healthy sexual life.
  9. Reduction of Stigmas: It contributes to the elimination of stigmas associated with sexuality, challenging prejudices and promoting a positive and respectful view of sexual diversity. This fosters inclusive environments free from discrimination.
  10. Empowerment: Sexual education empowers children and youth by providing them with tools to make informed and healthy decisions throughout their lives. By promoting physical, emotional, and social well-being, it prepares them to face challenges consciously and positively.


Esta publicación ha sido cofinanciada por la Unión Europea. Su contenido es responsabilidad exclusiva de Amref Salud África y no refleja necesariamente los puntos de vista de la Unión Europea

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